I Can Help Network
I Can Help Network
As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” When selecting our name, Hearts of Hope Network, we purposely made the word “Hearts” plural instead of singular. We knew that if we were going to accomplish our mission of providing Hope and comfort to families in need, we were not going to be able to do it by ourselves. Luckily for us, once we started telling people about our idea, people started telling us how they could help. We were overwhelmed with the outpouring of support from people who love the idea of sharing Hope with others. The “I Can Help Network” is a way for companies and organizations to sign up and offer to share goods and services with others who are in desperate need of support and Hope.

How the I Can Help Network works.
One of the challenges we faced as we started to set up the I Can Help Network was keeping our partners from being scammed and/or spammed. To that end, we decided to not publish the details (contact names, emails, phone numbers & addresses) of our I Can Help Network partners directly on our website. We maintain an off-line database where our Hearts of Hope coordinators can go to look for companies and/or organizations that might be able to help people requesting assistance. We will never connect you directly with a beneficiary unless we have sought your approval first. By operating this way, our I Can Help Network partners can feel secure that they can volunteer to help without getting inundated with requests that have not been screened.
The form below gives us basic information about who you are and how we can contact you. After receiving this form, a Hearts of Hope coordinator will reach out to you and complete a more detailed profile of your organization or company and what you are willing and able to do to help.
Some common requests we get for help are:
- Yard work
- House cleaning
- Carpentry services
- Transportation/moving & hauling
- Meals (restaurants or delivery)
- Flowers/Gifts
This list is not all-inclusive, and any support will be appreciated.
Sign Up
I Can Help Network Members
These are the organizations and companies already signed up with the I Can Help Network. Together we are helping families in need.
- She is Online LLC.
- Holistic Heritage Homebirth
- Dollars for Doulas

Get in Touch. Get Involved.
Do you have a question or story to share with us? Would you like to find out how you can be involved with Hearts of Hope Network or any of our programs? Use the contact form below to send us a message, and we will be in touch soon.